INDICATION: Treatment of Anemia in Chronic Renal Failure: Treatment of anemia associated with chronic renal failure, including patients on dialysis and not on dialysis. To elevate or maintain red blood cell levels and to decrease the need for transfusions. Treatment of Anemia in Cancer Patients on Chemotherapy:To elevate the red blood cell level to donate autologous blood. To prevent from the reduction of hemoglobin for patients scheduled for major surgery and who are not able to participate in an autologous blood donation program eg, low hemoglobin concentration, patients scheduled for major surgery, females who need >4 units of blood, and males who need >5 units of blood, in case of immediate need for autologous blood donation before surgery.
DOSAGE: Chronic renal failure patient Initially 60 u/kg IV for 1-2 mins 3 times/wk, may be increased by 25 u/kg in 4-wk period. Cancer patient on chemotherapy Initially 150 u/kg SC 3 times a wk, may be increased up to 300 u/kg 3 times/wk if the response is unsatisfactory after 8 wk of therapy. Patient scheduled for autologous blood donation program Initially 150-300 u/kg twice wkly for 3 wk to elevate RBC levels. Max: 600 u/kg to promote erythropoiesis.
OVERDOSAGE: The dose-response of Epokine depends upon the conditions of the patient. In case of overdosage, hypertension may occur. If polycythemia is of concern, phlebotomy may indicate the decrease of hematocrit.
CONTRAINDICATION: Known hypersensitivity to Epokine or to other erythropoietin products. Uncontrolled hypertension, known hypersensitivity to mammalian cell-derived products or albumin (human).
SPECIAL PRECAUTION: Epoetin-α should be administered with caution to the following patients: Patients with hypertension (blood pressure may rise or hypertensive encephalopathy may occur during epoetin-α therapy), known hypersensitivity to drugs or history of allergic reactions to drugs, myocardial infarction, pulmonary infarction or cerebral embolus and cerebral bleeding or premature infant with cerebral bleeding.
ADVERSE REACTION: Shock, skin reactions, increased BP, eosinophilia, elevation in liver function tests, hyperkalemia & abdominal pain.
STORAGE: Store at 2-8°C. Protect from light. Shelf-Life: 24 months.
PRESENTATION: Inj (pre-filled syringe, sterile, color less solution) 2000 IU/0.5 mL x 1's. 4000 IU/0.4 mL x 1's. 10,000 IU/mL x 1's.