INDICATION: Prophylaxis of cardiac and renal graft rejection, and rejection in hepatic transplantation. Mycophenolate should be used concomitantly with cyclosporine and corticosteroids
DOSAGE: v Adults: Renal Transplantation: 1 g twice daily (2 g/day). Cardiac or Hepatic Transplantation: 1.5 g twice daily (3 g/day). Food has no effect on MPA AUC, but has been shown to decrease MPA Cmax by 40%. It is recommended that mycophenolate be administered on an empty stomach. However, in stable renal transplant patients, MMF may be administered with food if necessary.
ADMINISTRATION: May be taken with or without food: Swallow whole, do not crush/open. In stable renal transplant patients, may be administered w/ meals if necessary.
SPECIAL PRECAUTION: Increased risk of developing lymphomas & other malignancies particularly of the skin. Pregnancy & lactation.
ADVERSE REACTION: Diarrhea, leucopenia, sepsis, vomiting, infections.
DRUG INTERACTION: Acyclovir, antacids w/ Mg- & Al hydroxide, cholestyramine, ganciclovir, OC, live vaccines, azathioprine.
STORAGE: Store at temperatures not exceeding 30°C. Keep in a dry and dark place.
PRESENTATION/PACKING: Mofilet-500 FC tab 500 mg. Box of 10's