Contents: Paracetamol 650 mg, orphenadrine citrate 35 mg
Indication/Uses: Short-term treatment of moderate pain, particularly after surgery, & for fever. Relieves pain due to skeletal muscle spasm & w/ the paracetamol used in the treatment of musculoskeletal & joint disorders.
Special Precaution: Impaired kidney or liver function; alcohol dependence; cardiac failure, coronary insufficiency, cardiac arrhythmias & tachycardia. Pregnancy & lactation.
Adverse Reactions: Haematological reactions; skin rashes & other hypersensitivity reactions; dryness of mouth, difficulty in swallowing & talking, thirst, reduced bronchial secretions, dilation of the pupils w/ loss of accommodation & photophobia, flushing & dryness of skin, transient bradycardia followed by tachycardia w/ palpitation & arrhythmias & difficulty in micturition, reduction in the tone & motility of the GIT leading to constipation.