Contents: Per mL Bupivacaine HCl 0.5% in dextrose 8%
Indication/Uses: Intrathecal spinal anesth in adults & children of all ages.
Dosage/Direction for Use: Adult & childn >12 yr Urological 1.5-3 mL or 7.5-15 mg for 2-3 hr infusion. Lower abdominal surgery (including cesarean section), lower limb, including hip surgery 2-4 mL or 10-20 mg for 1.5-3 hr infusion. Pregnant women 2-2.5 mL (10-12.5 mg). Neonate, infant & childn 15-40 kg 0.25-0.3 mg/kg, 5-15 kg 0.3-0.4 mg/kg, <5 kg 0.4-0.5 mg/kg.
Special Precaution: Carefully & constantly monitor CV & resp vital signs & state of consciousness; level of anesth; ECG in patients treated w/ anti-arrhythmic drugs class III (eg, amiodarone). May cause acute toxicity effects on CNS & CVS. Ventricular arrhythmia/fibrillation, sudden CV collapse & death w/ high systemic conc. Increased risk of high or total spinal blockade in elderly & in late stages of pregnancy. Hypotension & bradycardia. Massive ascites, large abdominal tumors or late pregnancy; cardiac decompensation; hypovolemia. Intercostal paralysis; resp embarrassment in patients w/ pleural effusions. Increased risk of intraspinal abscess formation in the post-op period w/ septicemia. Aging or other compromising factors eg, partial or complete heart conduction block, advanced liver or renal dysfunction. CV & resp depression. Neurological disorders eg, multiple sclerosis, hemiplegia, paraplegia & neuromuscular disorders. Pregnancy. Elderly.
Adverse Reactions: Hypotension, bradycardia; nausea. Postdural puncture headache; vomiting; urinary retention & incontinence.